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How to count the leaves of a tree in prolog?

I am trying to sum the leaves of a tree and cannot seem to do it correctly any help would be greatly appreciated. I have tried several different methods and none seem to work right.

nleaves(nil, 0).
nleaves(node(_,Left,Right), N) :- 
    nleaves(Left, N1),
    nleaves(Right, N2),
    N is N1 + N2.

when I ask the query ?- nleaves(3, node(1, node(2, node(3, nil, nil), node(4, nil, nil)), node(5,nil,nil)), N)., it comes back with N = 0. Now, if I replace 0 with 1 in the base case and ask the same query, it returns N = 6. Then if I completely manipulate the predicate which is completely wrong and not acceptable

nleaves(nil, 0).
nleaves(node(_, Left, Right), N) :- 
    nleaves(Left, LN), 
    nleaves(Right, RN),
    N is 3 - LN + RN.

It will then spit out N = 3.

What can I do to this to make it say N = 3 the right way? I am at a loss for counting the leaves. I seem to be able to count the height correctly with a max predicate helper.

height(nil, 0). % base case empty tree height is 0.
height(node(_,Left,Right), N) :- 
    height(Left, LN), 
    height(Right, RN),
    N is max(LN, RN) + 1.

but I cannot figure out how to count the leaves.


  • The base predicate should be one for a leaf, and 0 for a nil, so:

    nleaves(nil, 0).
    nleaves(node(_, nil, nil), 1).
    nleaves(node(_, Left, Right), N) :-
        (dif(Left, nil); dif(Right, nil)),
        nleaves(Left, L),
        nleaves(Right, R),
        N is L + R.

    Here the second clause thus counts a leaf node(_, nil, nil) as one, and a node where at least one of the two items is not nil as the sum of the leaves of the two nodes.