From this string :
I'm trying to extract this text :
and in separate REGEX function events_today
The rolls for the first string:
I sew several tutorials and red regex references but still not succeed
I thought the solution will be /\\s*(.*?)\\s*$$$$
but is not.
In general, to extract a string between 2 strings
In general, to match any string between two specific chars, you can use
To match between /
and $
, you can use
REGEXP_EXTRACT(col, r"/(.*?)\$")
Also, see the list of chars that must be escaped in a regex at What special characters must be escaped in regular expressions?
Here, you can use
REGEXP_REPLACE(col, r".*ga/([^/$]*)\${4}.*", r"\1")
See the regex demo.
The identical, but a bit simplified since .*
will become redundant, pattern can be used in REGEGEXP_EXTRACT
REGEXP_EXTRACT(col, r"ga/([^/$]*)\${4}")
Pattern details:
- any zero or more chars other than line break chars, as many as possiblega/
- ga
and a slash([^/$]*)
- Group 1: any zero or more chars other than /
and $
- four $
- any zero or more chars other than line break chars, as many as possible.The replacement is the Group 1 backreference, \1
, that replaces the whole match with the contents of the group.