I'm using FastAPI with Uvicorn to implement a u-service which accepts a json payload in the request's body. Since the request body can be quite large, I wish the service to accept gzipped. How do I accomplish that?
So far the following:
Fail with response:
Status: 400 Bad Request
{ "detail": "There was an error parsing the body" }
documentation contains an example of a custom gzip encoding request class.
Note: This page also contains the following phrase: "...if you need Gzip support, you can use the provided GzipMiddleware.", but this is incorrect, since you correctly noticed that middleware only works for responses.
import gzip
from typing import Callable, List
from fastapi import Body, FastAPI, Request, Response
from fastapi.routing import APIRoute
class GzipRequest(Request):
async def body(self) -> bytes:
if not hasattr(self, "_body"):
body = await super().body()
if "gzip" in self.headers.getlist("Content-Encoding"):
body = gzip.decompress(body)
self._body = body
return self._body
class GzipRoute(APIRoute):
def get_route_handler(self) -> Callable:
original_route_handler = super().get_route_handler()
async def custom_route_handler(request: Request) -> Response:
request = GzipRequest(request.scope, request.receive)
return await original_route_handler(request)
return custom_route_handler
app = FastAPI()
app.router.route_class = GzipRoute
async def sum_numbers(numbers: List[int] = Body(...)):
return {"sum": sum(numbers)}