I have written some VHDL code which compiles fine in Quartus Prime Lite edition. I'd now like to setup a test bench in order to simulate the code. I'm following a tutorial by Intel (link to youtube video) which says that after analysis and synthesis I go to tools -> run simulation tool -> RTL simulation. This launches modelsim. I have the student version installed with the license key placed in the root install directory. When I right click on my entity to try and select "create wave" this button is greyed out which it is not in the tutorial. I've shown this below:
If i double click on the entity I get this error down in the transcript window:
** Error: ModelSim PE Student Edition license key file not found at C:\Modeltech_pe_edu_10.4a\win32pe_edu\..\student_license.dat.
# ** FATAL ERROR: ModelSim PE Student Edition licensing failure due to one or more problems with the license key such as:
# ** FATAL ERROR: ModelSim PE Student Edition licensing failure due to one or more problems with the license key such as:
# - it is not found
# - it has expired
# - it is not for this user
# - it is not for this computer
# - it is not for this version of ModelSim PE Student Edition.
# Please go to http://www.model.com and download an updated copy of the ModelSim PE Student Edition.
# Error loading design
However I have placed the license file where the error says it is looking for the file - in C:\Modeltech_pe_edu_10.4a\win32pe_edu\ however I still get the error.
update: Another site suggested adding an environment variable to the location. I added "LM_LICENSE_FILE" to environment variables and still get the same issue.