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How to check if a template pair has value

i'm coding a trie structure in C++ with a template snippet:


I have a method void empty() in which I want to check, whether the root's second value is not set (value is equal to default constructor value or in detail: values would store other pair types.). I know that the default constructor would apply 0 for the data type int, but how can i check this inside the template ?

Another post mentioned this: return root == new Trie<char,T>() (failed duo to unknown == operator)

Thanks in advance


  • A std::pairs member cannot be "not set".

    You can use std::optional to model an optional value.

    "...value is equal to default constructor..."

    Of course you can check if the current value equals the initial one:

    std::pair<int,int> x;
    if (x.first == 0) {
        std::cout << "value of x.first is that of a default constructed std::pair<int,int>";

    Or for the second member of a std::pair<int,T>:

    if (x.second == T{} ) {
        std::cout << "second has same value as a default constructed T";

    Complete example:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <utility>
    template <typename T>
    bool check_if_default_second(const std::pair<int,T>& p) {
        return p.second == T{};
    int main() {
        std::pair<int,int> p;
        std::cout << check_if_default_second(p);