I have tried many potential solutions offered on the site and across google but none have given me any success. I'm trying to pull a specific item from a list following a request to Riot Games API.
My code is:
lol_watcher = LoLWatcher('<API_KEY>')
my_region = 'na1'
me = lol_watcher.summoner.by_name(my_region, 'doublelift')
my_ranked_stats = lol_watcher.league.by_summoner(my_region, me['id'])
This outputs the following:
[{'leaguId': <leagueID>, 'queueType': <queueType>, 'tier': <tier>,...}]
My issue comes in when I try and print
only 'tier'
If I build that way, it throws TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Any help with this is appreciated.
That is because the my_ranked_stats
is a list. The 'tier'
key exists in the dictionary that is the first first element of the my_ranked_stats
list. So you have to access ['tier']
from the zeroth index of the list like this: