I have this Apple Script working with huge amount of data. What it does is pretty much compares hundreds of folder names to hundreds of picture names. If folder name is contained in the picture name .. it copies this specific picture to the corresponding folder. The data needs to be compared is huge.. sometimes it takes more than an hour to finish. I need an advice how to solve this specific problem.
This error message appears regardles of time and place where the script is executed ( my desktop or working server machine ). Usually appears between 40minute and 60minute.
As a result all finder windows are closed and the script stops. Looks like it's some kind of time-out period. Is there a way to extend this period or remove it completly ?
Thank you ! EDIT: Here is the script itself:
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions
property defaultColor : "Green"
on run {input}
tell application "Finder"
set MainFolder to (choose folder with prompt "ART.Numbers FOLDERS Directory:")
set theArtFoldersList to every folder of MainFolder
set NameOfMainFolder to name of MainFolder as text
set targetFolder to "Users:zzz:Desktop:Pictures" as alias
set pictures_collection to every file of entire contents of (targetFolder)
end tell
set userColor to 5
repeat with CurrItem in theArtFoldersList
tell application "Finder"
if label index of CurrItem is not 7 and label index of CurrItem is not 6 and label index of CurrItem is not 5 then
tell application "Finder" to set ArtFolderName to name of CurrItem as text
tell application "Finder" to set elementpath to container of CurrItem as text
set elementfolder to (elementpath & ArtFolderName) as alias
repeat with anItem in pictures_collection
tell application "Finder" to set NameOfPicture to name of anItem
tell application "Finder" to set outpath to container of anItem as text
tell application "Finder"
if NameOfPicture contains ArtFolderName and NameOfPicture does not contain (ArtFolderName & "_VIGN_N.jpg") and label index of anItem is 7 then
tell application "Finder" to duplicate anItem to folder (elementfolder as alias)
if label index of elementfolder is not 2 then -- пази червеният цвят на папката
set label index of elementfolder to userColor
end if
end if
if NameOfPicture contains (ArtFolderName & "_VIGN_N.jpg") and label index of anItem is 7 then
tell application "Finder" to duplicate anItem to folder (elementfolder as alias)
if label index of elementfolder is not 2 then
set label index of elementfolder to userColor
exit repeat
end if
end if
end tell
end repeat
end if
end tell
end repeat
tell me to activate -- display dialog as active window
display dialog NameOfMainFolder & " is Done !"
return input
end run
I've only been able to test the following script lightly, since I don't have access to your file structures, so please test it on copies of your data until you're sure it works the way you want.
My due diligence done...
The 'Connection is invalid' error comes from the Finder's entire contents
command, executed on a folder with a lot of files. The script is timing out while the Finder is still plugging away trying to build the file list. It's generally a bad idea to script the Finder this heavily anyway; the Finder can be temperamental. With that in mind, I made three basic changes to your script:
I also shifted a couple of variable to properties
so that they could be seen by the script handler as it iterates down.
property defaultColor : "Green"
property userColor : 5
property image_folder : "/Users/zzz/Desktop/Pictures"
on run
set sorting_folder to (choose folder with prompt "ART.Numbers FOLDERS Directory:")
tell application "System Events"
set sorting_folder_name to name of sorting_folder as text
my iterateThroughFolder(sorting_folder)
end tell
tell me to activate -- display dialog as active window
display dialog sorting_folder_name & " is Done !"
end run
on iterateThroughFolder(sorted_art_folder)
tell application "System Events"
set subfolder_list to every folder of (sorted_art_folder)
repeat with a_folder in subfolder_list
my iterateThroughFolder(a_folder)
end repeat
-- skip top level
if POSIX path of sorted_art_folder is equal to image_folder then return
set sorted_art_folder_list to folders of sorted_art_folder
repeat with an_sorted_art_folder in sorted_art_folder_list
set artFolderName to name of an_sorted_art_folder
set file_list to (every file of folder image_folder whose name contains artFolderName)
repeat with a_file in file_list
if (my finderLabelIndex(path of a_file)) ≠ 7 then
my finderDupFile(path of a_file, path of an_sorted_art_folder)
if (my finderLabelIndex(path of an_sorted_art_folder)) ≠ 2 then
my finderSetLabelIndex(path of an_sorted_art_folder, userColor)
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end iterateThroughFolder
on finderLabelIndex(finderPath)
tell application "Finder"
return label index of item finderPath
end tell
end finderLabelIndex
on finderSetLabelIndex(finderPath, idx)
tell application "Finder"
set label index of item finderPath to idx
end tell
end finderSetLabelIndex
on finderDupFile(fileFinderPath, destingationFinderPath)
tell application "Finder"
duplicate file fileFinderPath to folder destingationFinderPath
end tell
end finderDupFile
N.B.: Be aware of the often confusing path reference styles.
disk item
, file
, folder
, file
, folder
) work in System Events, but not the FinderMaintosh HD:users:...:Desktop:...
) work in both appsIf you want to send a reference from System Events to the Finder, use SE's path
property (which returns a system path), then convert it to a Finder object in a Finder tell block. See my Finder handlers, above.