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Python code that finds the number of palindromes

I am very confused, I do not know what kind of equation I should make. I cannot think of anything other than 1 that satisfies this condition. Can you give me some guidance on how to write this code?

For example, let me enter 3 as the number n. From ((2 ^ n) -1) comes = 7. I need to find a 7-digit palindrome number like 1670761


  • This code should work:

    def len_x_palimdrome(x,f,start = ""):
        #f - a callable object taking one input and returning a bool
        nums = "0123456789"
        for i in nums:
            if x == 1:
                if f(int(start+i+start)):
            elif x == 2:
                if f(int(start+i*2+start)):
                a = len_x_palimdrome(x-2,f)
                if a != None:

    The function takes in the length and a function lambda or whatever that will be used as a filter. Note that the function will return the lowest palindrome that fulfills the requirement(s) defined in the function.

    Example filter function:

    def f(n):
        if n == 0:
            return False
        return n%7 == 0

    In conclusion:
