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How to SELECT based on grouped SUM that is compared to the AVG of that grouped SUM

I have a table consists of films, categories and prices. Now I want to select only categories with total price (sum of all the price per film under that category) that is higher than the average of those categories' total prices. I have been able to find the average of the total prices (thanks to this web) but can't combine it together. Here are the queries:

-- Return the average sums of the price per category
SELECT AVG(sum_price)
SELECT category, sum(price) AS sum_price
FROM film_list
GROUP BY category
) AS inner_query;

-- Return category and its total price
SELECT category, SUM(price)
FROM film_list
GROUP BY category;

--[Error] Return only the category with sums of price larger than the average of sum of prices
SELECT category, SUM(price)
FROM film_list
WHERE SUM(price) >
   SELECT AVG(sum_price)
       SELECT category, sum(price) AS sum_price
       FROM film_list
       GROUP BY category
   ) AS inner_query

Any help will be much appreciated, thanks!


  • Try adding group by and then using having

    SELECT category, SUM(price)
    FROM film_list
    GROUP BY category
    HAVING SUM(price) >
       SELECT AVG(sum_price)
           SELECT category, sum(price) AS sum_price
           FROM film_list
           GROUP BY category
       ) AS inner_query