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How to use Ignite Cache TextQuery in .Net Application

I am using Apache Ignite v2.7.6.And I have a .Net core ClientServer Ignite App. I am trying to read/search text from the Person Model field Payload marked with QueryTextField.

TextQuery Ignite Docs.

Person Model:

public class Person: IConstructionCacheStore
        public string Payload { get; set; }


using (IIgniteClient client = Ignition.StartClient(this._igniteClientConfiguration))
                //get cache config 
                var cache = client.GetCache<string, IConstructionCacheStore>(cacheName);
                    // Query for all people with "Master Degree" in their resumes.
                    var cursor = cache.Query(new TextQuery("Person", "Master Degree"));//Error

                    // Iterate over results. Using 'foreach' loop will close the cursor automatically.
                    foreach (var cacheEntry in cursor)
                catch (Exception ex)


But I am getting a compile-time error at cache.Query(new TextQuery("Person", "Master Degree")); like

Error CS1503 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.TextQuery' to 'Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Query.ScanQuery<string, ConstructionModels.IConstructionCacheStore>'

is TextQuery support in .Net? How to solve above error?



  • TextQuery is not supported in Ignite thin clients:

    • Use thick client instead (.NET thick client supports TextQuery)
    • Use Services or Compute as a workaround (wrap TextQuery call in a Service or Compute Task, use thin client to call the service or the task)