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NativeScript: WebView with rounded corners (Android Only)

I want to have rounded corners in my WebView, but apparently the borderRadius directive is ignored in Android

<GridLayout rows="*">
     <WebView row="0" id="webView" borderRadius="20 20 0 0"/>

Any idea?

This is the desired result:

enter image description here


  • I solved this problem by using cardview which has top preference on view hierarchy(I don't know what they call officially, I just telling you as view hierarchy to make some sense).

    If you know how FAB will get placed on a view. You can understand how this works. For more info you need to dig into these developing-hierarchy (This might be a wrong tutorial, but I got only this)


    <Page xmlns:Card="@nstudio/nativescript-cardview">
        <Card:CardView margin="10" radius="50">
            <StackLayout height="500">
                <WebView src="" />

    For more info on this plugin nativescript-cardview

    If you get more info on this share here.