I want to take a screenshot of the full page of a website. Below are the website conditions
tag is just script
tags)I did try some solutions I can find, but none of them work as I desired. Below are some attempt I tried
"message":"Cannot take screenshot with 0 height."
I guess this is because the content is rendered by Javascript. Note that I already give it some time to render with time.sleep(5)
). Below is the code I tried. def S(X): return browser.execute_script(
'return document.querySelector("#main-layout-content").scroll'+X
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
browser.get('some link go here')
browser.set_window_size(S('Width') + 100, S('Height') + 1000)
#The print statement below work
Is there any way to achieve what I need?
Here is what I did to get the full-size screenshot of a webpage
from selenium import webdriver
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
# We go to the webpage here and wait 2 seconds for fully load
# Where to save the picture
directory = '/home'
# Video title
title = 'Hello world'
# We try to get the top-level component in which all out page is its children
# This is different for each website
elem = browser.find_element_by_id('main-layout-content')
# Get the height of the element, and adding some height just to be safe
total_height = elem.size['height'] + 1000
# Set the window size - what is the size of our screenshot
# The width is hardcoded because the screensize is fixed for each computer
browser.set_window_size(1920, total_height)
# Wait for 2 seconds
# Take the screenshot
except SystemError as err:
print('Take screenshot error at' + title)