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Passenger+Apache2+RubyonRails installation fail

Now I'm trying to install Passenger for RoR on Ubuntu 11.04. I already have apache2 and RoR, also I installed passenger gems. But when I continue with this command: sudo passenger-install-apache2-module it says that he can't find this command. By the way, command 'passenger' he also don't know.


  • Depending on how you installed the passenger gem the passenger-install-apache2-module file could be in a few different places.

    If you are using the default 1.8.7 ruby installation on Ubuntu it should be in here...


    In there you should find a passenger folder with the version you installed, example...


    Within that folder there should be a bin/ directory, and within there is passenger-install-apache2-module

    Failing that, make sure you installed the gem with sudo and try again.