I am getting the following error while using the EMCluster library in R:
Error in if (nrow(emobj$Mu) != nclass || ncol(emobj$Mu) != p || nrow(emobj$LTSigma) != :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
This is the code I wrote:
emcluster(iris[,-5], pi = NULL, Mu = NULL, LTSigma = NULL,
lab = NULL, EMC = .EMC, assign.class = FALSE)
I am using the Iris dataset.
My goal is to run an EM clustering algorithm and describe my observations through plots, etc.
You need to provide the parameters, or you can initialize the EM and provide that:
emobj <- simple.init(iris[,-5], nclass = 3)
mdl <- emcluster(iris[,-5], emobj = emobj, assign.class = TRUE)
setosa versicolor virginica
1 0 0 15
2 0 50 35
3 50 0 0