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Not able to pull song cover art from Spotipy API even though it is visible when I print the output dictionary

Here is the printed dic:

{'album': {'album_type': 'single',
  'artists': [{'external_urls': {'spotify': ''},
    'href': '',
    'id': '6BrvowZBreEkXzJQMpL174',
    'name': 'Hardwell',
    'type': 'artist',
    'uri': 'spotify:artist:6BrvowZBreEkXzJQMpL174'}],
  'available_markets': ['AD',
  'external_urls': {'spotify': ''},
  'href': '',
  'id': '14SHciJYQ4DnKzprcUzE1z',
  'images': [{'height': 640,
    'url': '',
    'width': 640},
   {'height': 300,
    'url': '',
    'width': 300},
   {'height': 64,
    'url': '',
    'width': 64}],
  'name': 'Spaceman',
  'release_date': '2012-02-06',
  'release_date_precision': 'day',
  'total_tracks': 1,
  'type': 'album',
  'uri': 'spotify:album:14SHciJYQ4DnKzprcUzE1z'},
 'artists': [{'external_urls': {'spotify': ''},
   'href': '',
   'id': '6BrvowZBreEkXzJQMpL174',
   'name': 'Hardwell',
   'type': 'artist',
   'uri': 'spotify:artist:6BrvowZBreEkXzJQMpL174'}],
 'available_markets': [],
 'disc_number': 1,
 'duration_ms': 379260,
 'explicit': False,
 'external_ids': {'isrc': 'NLCY31100367'},
 'external_urls': {'spotify': ''},
 'href': '',
 'id': '1Ca2ELRlvACAeI7xz9c9jR',
 'is_local': False,
 'is_playable': True,
 'name': 'Spaceman',
 'popularity': 53,
 'preview_url': '',
 'track_number': 1,
 'type': 'track',
 'uri': 'spotify:track:1Ca2ELRlvACAeI7xz9c9jR'}

I need to pull this:

'images': [{'height': 640,
        'url': '',
        'width': 640},
       {'height': 300,
        'url': '',
        'width': 300},
       {'height': 64,
        'url': '',
        'width': 64}]

This seems easy enough but when I output dic.keys() I get this:

dict_keys(['album', 'artists', 'available_markets', 'disc_number', 'duration_ms', 'explicit', 'external_ids', 'external_urls', 'href', 'id', 'is_local', 'is_playable', 'name', 'popularity', 'preview_url', 'track_number', 'type', 'uri'])

Is this an issue with Spotipy? Any help would be much appreciated.


  • There is nothing with Spotify API, 'images' key is in 'album'.

    Try this:

    images = dic['album']['images']