I have a simple app with an iOS target that is configured for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, making it a Catalyst app. On Xcode 12.0 Beta 1, I tried adding a Settings scene to my app. The documentation page says it is compatible with both macOS 11.0+ and Mac Catalyst 14.0+. The entirety of my app is this:
import SwiftUI
struct TestSettingsApp: App {
@SceneBuilder var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
Text("Hello, world!").padding()
#if os(macOS)
Settings {
Text("Settings here.")
Based on the WWDC 2020 What's new in SwiftUI video (4:50), I would expect this to automatically add a "Preferences..." menu option, which would show "Settings here." However, this option never shows up. I also tried replacing #if os(macOS)
with #if targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
, which had no effect.
It turns out that Apple's documentation was either incorrect early on in the beta period, or they decided not to implement Settings for Mac Catalyst. The documentation page I referred to earlier has since been updated to remove "Mac Catalyst 14.0+".