I am using the package in_app_purchase. I noticed that the PurchaseDetails.purchaseID
for past purchases changes because they take the transactionIdentifier instead of checking for a origional transaction. When a transaction is restored the id changes.
Apple In-app purchase transaction_id of one purchase changes sometimes
Is anyone else having the same problem?
This is their code to instantiate product details from a transaction
SKPaymentTransactionWrapper transaction, String base64EncodedReceipt)
: this.purchaseID = transaction.transactionIdentifier,
this.productID = transaction.payment.productIdentifier,
this.verificationData = PurchaseVerificationData(
localVerificationData: base64EncodedReceipt,
serverVerificationData: base64EncodedReceipt,
source: IAPSource.AppStore),
this.transactionDate = transaction.transactionTimeStamp != null
? (transaction.transactionTimeStamp * 1000).toInt().toString()
: null,
this.skPaymentTransaction = transaction,
this.billingClientPurchase = null,
_platform = _kPlatformIOS {
status = SKTransactionStatusConverter()
if (status == PurchaseStatus.error) {
error = IAPError(
source: IAPSource.AppStore,
code: kPurchaseErrorCode,
message: transaction.error.domain,
details: transaction.error.userInfo,
this.purchaseID = transaction.transactionIdentifier,
Should check if restored and if so take the identifier from the origional transaction.
I'm on the latest version in_app_purchase: ^0.3.4+16
and flutter 1.20.3 stable channel
Everytime when I restart my app and call _connection.queryPastPurchases the purchaseID is different of the purchase found
Using the origional transaction id seems to work great