In libreoffice calc, I use Format cells > Number > User-defined > Format code > 0.000 “kg” to display 200 kg in the cell A1. Now, in cell A2, I can use the formula : A1 x 2 and obtain 400. This is very convenient. Just like this, in the format code 0.000 “CA”, Is it possible to display 'A' as the subscript. Please give your suggestions. Thanks.
Edit: I tried using the unicode. It works well inside the cell. But cannot be used in the format cell dialogue box. The screenshot is attached below. The problems are marked with a red rectangle and a green arrow. Please verify it.
Start typing the format code simply into the cell: 0.000 "C
Now choose Insert-Special Character...
Use this tool to find and select the desired symbol
Complete the cell input
Copy the result and paste it as format code in the Format-Cells... window
This is a general principle for constructing unusual format codes using special characters. Of course, you can simply copy this particular line of format code directly from StackOverflow - 0.000" Cₐ"