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Foreign Key Reference

I addressed in class that the 2 foreign keys in the FlightData table are Depart_Code and Ariv_Code that there isn't any table to make references to them being a primary key in, in the relational schema we were given.

In class I was told that they reference Airport_Code in the Airport table. I was wondering I would go about doing that? I feel like I am missing something obvious. I appreciate any help offered I am still new to database in general and I am currently on Oracle 11g.

Airport table

     Airport_Code VARCHAR2(7) CONSTRAINT pk_Airport Primary Key,
     City_Code VARCHAR2(3), 
     CONSTRAINT fk_Airport_City_Code 
         FOREIGN KEY(City_Code) REFERENCES City, 
     Airport_Name VARCHAR2(30)

FlightData table:

    Flt_Nbr VARCHAR2(3) CONSTRAINT pk_FlightData Primary Key,
    Depart_Code VARCHAR2(30), 
    Ariv_Code VARCHAR2(30)


  • To make sure Depart_Code and Ariv_Code always reference an airport in the Airport table you need to:

    • Make these columns NOT NULL.
    • Ensure they have the same data type as the key in Airport. Make them have a length of 7.
    • Add two foreign key constraints, each one based on each column.

    For example, the second table could look like:

    CREATE TABLE FlightData (
      Flt_Nbr VARCHAR2(3) CONSTRAINT pk_FlightData Primary Key,
      Depart_Code VARCHAR2(7) not null,
      constraint fk1 foreign key (Depart_Code) references Airport (Airport_Code),
      Ariv_Code VARCHAR2(7) not null,
      constraint fk2 foreign key (Ariv_Code) references Airport (Airport_Code)