I am creating an API for my Xamarin Android application and I have created this method to update password in the database:
public HttpResponseMessage updatepassword(string password,string email)
user_table user = dbe.user_table
.Where(x => x.email_address == email)
user.password_hash = password.GetHashCode();
var response = dbe.SaveChanges();
string finalresponse = "password updated successfully" + response;
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, finalresponse );
But when I test it using postman it shows that 0 entities have been affected.
I also tried using
but it doesn't work either, please help me.
This is my postman query[email protected]
I have published my API on IIS Server that is why I am using IP Address instead of localhost.
Change your code to this:
var user = dbe.user_table
.Where(x => x.email_address == email)
var response=0;
if (user!=null)
user.password_hash = password.GetHashCode();
dbe.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;
// Or you can try
//dbe.Entry(user).Property(i => i.password_hash).IsModified = true;
response = dbe.SaveChanges();
And maybe it's a good idea to change you API header too:
public IHttpActionResult updatepassword(string password,string email)
return response>0 ? Ok():BadRequest();