I have two training python scripts. One using Pytorch's API for classification training and another one is using Fast-ai. Using Fast-ai has much better results.
Training outcomes are as follows.
epoch train_loss valid_loss accuracy time
0 0.205338 2.318084 0.466482 23:02
1 0.182328 0.041315 0.993334 22:51
2 0.112462 0.064061 0.988932 22:47
3 0.052034 0.044727 0.986920 22:45
4 0.178388 0.081247 0.980883 22:45
5 0.009298 0.011817 0.996730 22:44
6 0.004008 0.003211 0.999748 22:43
Using Pytorch
Epoch [1/10], train_loss : 31.0000 , val_loss : 1.6594, accuracy: 0.3568
Epoch [2/10], train_loss : 7.0000 , val_loss : 1.7065, accuracy: 0.3723
Epoch [3/10], train_loss : 4.0000 , val_loss : 1.6878, accuracy: 0.3889
Epoch [4/10], train_loss : 3.0000 , val_loss : 1.7054, accuracy: 0.4066
Epoch [5/10], train_loss : 2.0000 , val_loss : 1.7154, accuracy: 0.4106
Epoch [6/10], train_loss : 2.0000 , val_loss : 1.7232, accuracy: 0.4144
Epoch [7/10], train_loss : 2.0000 , val_loss : 1.7125, accuracy: 0.4295
Epoch [8/10], train_loss : 1.0000 , val_loss : 1.7372, accuracy: 0.4343
Epoch [9/10], train_loss : 1.0000 , val_loss : 1.6871, accuracy: 0.4441
Epoch [10/10], train_loss : 1.0000 , val_loss : 1.7384, accuracy: 0.4552
Using Pytorch is not converging. I used the same network (Wideresnet22) and both are trained from scratch without pretrained model.
The network is here.
Training using Pytorch is here.
Using Fastai is as follows.
from fastai.basic_data import DataBunch
from fastai.train import Learner
from fastai.metrics import accuracy
#DataBunch takes data and internall create data loader
data = DataBunch.create(train_ds, valid_ds, bs=batch_size, path='./data')
#Learner uses Adam as default for learning
learner = Learner(data, model, loss_func=F.cross_entropy, metrics=[accuracy])
#Gradient is clipped
learner.clip = 0.1
#learner finds its learning rate
#Weight decay helps to lower down weight. Learn in https://towardsdatascience.com/
learner.fit_one_cycle(5, 5e-3, wd=1e-4)
What could be wrong in my training algorithm using Pytorch?
is using a lot of tricks under the hood. A quick catch of what they're doing and you're not.
Those are in the order that I think matters most, especially the first two should improve your scores.
Use some scheduler (torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CyclicLR preferably) and AdamW
instead of SGD
1 cycle policy by Leslie Smith is used in fastai
. In PyTorch one can create similar routine using torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CyclicLR but that would require some manual setup.
Basically it starts with lower learning rate, gradually increases up to 5e-3
in your case and comes back to lower learning rate again (making a cycle). You can adjust how the lr
should raise and fall (in fastai
it does so using cosine annealing IIRC).
Your learning rate is too high at the beginning, some scheduler should help, test it out first of all.
In the provided code snippet you use torch.optim.SGD
(as optim_fn
is None
and default is set) which is harder to setup correctly (usually).
On the other hand, if you manage to set it up manually correctly, you might generalize better.
Also fastai
does not use Adam
by default! It uses AdamW
if true_wd
is set (I think, it will be default in your case anyway, see source code). AdamW
decouples weight decay from adaptive learning rate which should improve convergence (read here or original paper
Set the same number of epochs if you want to compare both approaches, currently it's apple to oranges.
You do not clip gradient (it is commented out), might help or not depending on the task. Would not focus on that one for now tbh.
Read about Learner and fit_one_cycle and try to setup something similar in PyTorch (rough guidelines described above)
Also you might use some form of data augmentation to improve the scores even further, but that's out of the question's scope I suppose.