Let's assume there is a table as below structure
select Year, Month , customer, Category, Amount
from claim
I want to apply a discount for each month as shown in the table (green columns):
and the same thing for other months and customers.
Is it possible to do that in SQL with a subquery or some functions that can help?
Please advise
You can use case .. when
statement and analytical function as follows:
select Year, Month , customer, Category, Amount,
Case when category = 'Brand'
Case when total_sales > 15000 then '2%'
When total_sales > 20000 then '3%'
End as disc,
Case when category = 'Brand'
Case when total_sales > 15000 then 2*amount/100
When total_sales > 20000 then 3*amount/100
End disc_amount
(select Year, Month , customer, Category, Amount,
sum(case when category in ('Brand', 'Generic') then amount else 0 end)
over (partition by year, month, customer) as total_sales
from claim)