I am working on a PDF show feature in Django,
the user enters data in HTML form and can click on the Preview
button to see the preview in PDF format.
These are the lines in my views.py which return pdf as the response:
pdf = render_to_pdf('new_pdf.html', params)
return HttpResponse(pdf, content_type='application/pdf')
here render_to_pdf()
takes HTML template and normal Python dictionary to embed data on HTML page and convert it to PDF.
I am currently passing form POST data as params i.e.
params = {'data':request.POST}
request.POST looks like this
<QueryDict: {'csrfmiddlewaretoken': ['some_random_string_here'], 'client_id': ['26'], 'note_no': ['5']}>
and some more fields...
now I can simply use {{data.client_id}}
in my HTML to get the data.
Everything's working fine till now
but I need to supply some extra data to my params to show on the PDF.
I was wondering if there's a way I can append my extra variables in request.POST
request.POST['credit_type'] = [credit_type]
but this is not a regular python dictionary and gives
This QueryDict instance is immutable
Is there any work-around for this??
Or do I have to use the regular approach of appending key-value pairs to my params
and then use them?
if request.method == 'POST':
updated_request = request.POST.copy()
updated_request.update({'credit_type': [credit_type]})