How can I limit the number of decimal places a user can enter in a GXT grid cell.
I can format the column config via column.setNumberFormat(...) but this just rounds the value to the defined format, e.g. #.##, and the user can enter more than two decimal places.
I would like to limit the input as the users types, so that he/she can only enter a max of two decimal places.
Best, -- Thomas
You have to implement a custom Validator and add it to the field:
final ColumnConfig config = new ColumnConfig();
final NumberField field = new NumberField();
field.setPropertyEditorType(Float.class); // needed to convert from String to Number - default ist Double
field.setValidator(new com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.widget.form.Validator(){
public String validate(Field<?> field, String value) {
if(value != null){
final int index = value.indexOf('.');
if(index > -1 && index < value.length() - 3){
return "Maximum number of digits is 2!";
return null;
final CellEditor cellEditor = new CellEditor(field);