function my_custom_available_payment_gateways( $gateways ) {
$chosen_shipping_rates = WC()->session->get( 'chosen_shipping_methods' );
// When 'local delivery' has been chosen as shipping rate
if ( in_array( 'local_delivery', $chosen_shipping_rates ) ) :
// Remove bank transfer payment gateway
unset( $gateways['bacs'] );
return $gateways;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'my_custom_available_payment_gateways' );
This code doesn't work for me. How can I achieve that?
Try the following instead:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'my_custom_available_payment_gateways', 10, 1 );
function my_custom_available_payment_gateways( $available_gateways ) {
if( is_admin() ) return $available_gateways; // Only for frontend
$local_found = false; // Initializing
// Loop through chosen shipping method rates
foreach ( WC()->session->get( 'chosen_shipping_methods' ) as $chosen_shipping_rate_id ) {
if( strpos( $chosen_shipping_rate_id, 'local_pickup' ) !== false || strpos( $chosen_shipping_rate_id, 'local_delivery' ) !== false ) {
$local_found = true; // Local pickup/delivery found
break; // Stop the loop
// If Local pickup/delivery is the chosen shipping method
if( $local_found ) {
// Loop through available payment methods
foreach ( $available_gateways as $payment_method_id => $payment_label ) {
// Remove all payement methods except "cheque"
if ( 'cheque' !== $payment_method_id ) {
unset( $available_gateways[$payment_method_id] );
return $available_gateways;
Code goes in functions.php file of the active child theme (or active theme). Tested and works.