I just realised all this time, I was using https://github.com/userName/repoName
to set the remote location for a local repository in git. But, everywhere it is used with .git suffix as https://github.com/userName/repoName.git
to set the remote. I believe .git is used to indicate that the location is a git (version controlled) repository.
But, does it really matter, if I had ignored the .git
all this time. Should I modify the remote of my local repositories?
Personally, I didn't face any issues till now. So I guess, it is just a naming convention sort of thing, and don't have to be concerned much about this.
To my own mild surprise, I think this is an answerable question.
But, does it really matter, if I had ignored the .git all this time. Should I modify the remote of my local repositories?
Your remotes point to GitHub, and their service apparently won't 404 a url that doesn't end .git
without checking whether it would have worked with .git
appended. So for your local repositories, there is no practical reason for you to change your remotes' urls: they work. No, it doesn't really matter. For those urls. Because GitHub understands what you're trying to do.