I am going to store a category id to an item.
I do the below .save() function to add a new row.
const myNewItem = {
categoryId = ObjectId("5fc0a6e58dc3892120595384"),
title = "Apple"
var myNewItemSave = await new Item(myNewItem).save();
However, when I check my database record
_id: ObjectId("..."),
categoryId: "5fc0a6e58dc3892120595384",
title: "Apple"
The categoryId is not saved as ObjectId.
I want to save it as ObjectId is because I am going to query some lookup aggregation like this: https://mongoplayground.net/p/50y2zWj-bQ6
so I have to make localField and foreignField are the same type as ObjectId.
It happen becuse your schema don't allow category id as mongoose objectId it is string
const schema = new Mongoose.Schema(
title: { type: String },
categoryId: { type: Mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'categories' }
{ timestamps: true, versionKey: false }
export default Mongoose.model('Items', schema)
Import Item model and save will convert string into mongoose objectId
const myNewItem = {
categoryId: "5fc0a6e58dc3892120595384",
title: "Apple"
const myNewItemSave = await Item.create(myNewItem);