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Performance Counter : \Processor(_Total)\% Processor : Time Azure WAD Performance Counter

What does \Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time mean. What are the underlying assumptions.

Description: As this is a performance counter from WAD Performance Table counter; as this is Azure is there any assumption for measuring the same.


  • This Azure counter is simply a recording of the Windows Performance Counter

    The simplest measure of a system's busyness is Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time, which measures the total utilization of your processor by all running processes. Note that if you have a multiprocessor machine, Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time actually measures the average processor utilization of your machine (i.e. utilization averaged over all processors). from

    In Azure, I believe this counter is calculated over a fairly short sampling interval on each VM - so if you collect the sample every 10 seconds, say, then the instantaneous measurement will only tell you what was occurring near to each measurement point - it won't necessarily reflect what was occurring inbetween measurements.