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Using isset to define an index not working

This is something new to me, I have read and read on how to fix this. My code has came a long way since.

When I started this piece I was going to define every request like so:

if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'remove') {
  $theme = 'default theme applied';
    setcookie("drcstyleaccent", "", time() - 3600, '/');

if ($_GET['accent'] == 'light') {
  $theme = 'light';
  setcookie('drcstyleaccent', 'light', time()+60*60*24*365, '/');

echo $theme . 'theme applied';

Every theme was going to be defined in a separate get request with a new cookie / varible in each.

Since beginning my undefined index search, I have upgraded my script to:

$accent = isset($_GET['accent']) ? $_GET['accent'] : '';

if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'remove') {
    setcookie("drcstyleaccent", "", time() - 3600, '/');
} else {
  setcookie('drcstyleaccent', $accent, time()+60*60*24*365, '/');

echo $accent . ' theme applied';

From everything I have read this looks right to me, but I keep getting the undefined index error. From what I've read $accent = isset($_GET['accent']) ? $_GET['accent'] : ''; is defining the index...

I have tried also wrapping the do request with an isset but this should not be necessary because of the else right?

I know I can just disable the error with error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); but I done want a "cheat".

I am ready for the down votes, I KNOW this has been covered here. There are just too many topics on this to sift through them all, and all I have found have helped me to get to where I am now, and now I'm stuck.

Where am I going wrong with setting the index?


  • I have tried also wrapping the do request with an isset but this should not be necessary because of the else right?

    No. By running $_REQUEST['do'] == 'remove', you are accessing $_REQUEST at index 'do'. If this index is not defined, the Undefined index error is produced. To counter this, prepend the equality test with an isset():

    if (isset($_REQUEST['do']) && $_REQUEST['do'] == 'remove') {
        // ...