How to define an AWK function w/ a variable number of arguments? I can emulate this w/ command line arguments:
awk 'BEGIN {for (i in ARGV) printf ARGV[i]" "}' 1 2 3
but BEGIN {for (i in ARGV) printf ARGV[i]" "}
isn't a function (in AWK).
Currently I'm using MAWK (but can probably switch to GAWK if it would help)
NOTE: I cannot reveal the task (it's an exercise which I'm supposed to solve by myself)
There are no variadic functions in awk because they're not needed since you can just populate an array and pass that into a function:
$ cat tst.awk
split("foo 17 bar",a)
function foo(arr, i,n) {
n = length(arr) # or loop incrementing n if length(arr) unsupported
for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
printf "%s%s", arr[i], (i<n ? OFS : ORS)
$ awk -f tst.awk
foo 17 bar
or just define the function with a bunch of dummy argument names as @triplee mentions.