Is it possible to set (or retrieve) cookies from the model layer?
Granted that the model layer is intended for 'business logic', the logic I need requires a little interaction with the request and response.
I suggest you process and store your cookie value in your model:
class ModelTable
protected $cookie = null;
public function getCookie()
return $this->cookie;
public function setCookie($value)
$this->cookie = $value;
And use postExecute of your action to set cookie:
class yourActions extends sfActions
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
public function postExecute()
$cookie = ModelTable::getInstance()->getCookie();
$this->getResponse()->setCookie('name', $cookie, time() + 24 * 3600);
It's always better to stick to MVC model: controller calls model for info and build the response, not the other way around.