I have a dynamic inventory set up which pulls hosts and their variables from a MySQL database. The dynamic inventory itself is working perfectly.
Some of the variables inside the inventory are sensitive so I would prefer not to store them as plain text.
So as a test I encrypted a value using:
ansible-vault encrypt_string 'foobar'
Which resulted in:
!vault |
Encryption successful
I decided to store the encrypted value as a variable inside MySQL. For the avoidance of doubt, after some testing, you can normalise the encrypted string to:
You can test this format works with a simple playbook:
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
final_var: !vault "$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256\n363635393063363466313636633166356562396562336633373239333630643032646637383866656463366137623232653531613135623464353932653665300a376461666332626538386263343732333039356663363132333533663339313466346435373064343931383536393736303731393834323964613063323362370a3361313132396239336130643839623939346438616363383932616639656463"
- name: Display variable
msg: "{{ final_var }}"
When the playbook is executed the following output is observed:
ok: [target] => {
"msg": "foobar"
The difficulty arises when trying to get the variable (my_secret
) from the inventory instead of referencing it directly in a file.
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
final_var: !vault "{{ my_secret }}"
- name: Display variable
msg: "{{ final_var }}"
This results in:
fatal: [target]: FAILED! => {"msg": "input is not vault encrypted data"}
Now, while I've spoken a lot about the value being stored in the dynamic inventory in MySQL we can get a similar behaviour if we remove that from the equation.
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
secret: "$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256\n363635393063363466313636633166356562396562336633373239333630643032646637383866656463366137623232653531613135623464353932653665300a376461666332626538386263343732333039356663363132333533663339313466346435373064343931383536393736303731393834323964613063323362370a3361313132396239336130643839623939346438616363383932616639656463"
final_var: !vault "{{ secret }}"
- name: Display variable
msg: "{{ final_var }}"
This is now nearly identical to the working example but the encrypted string is not written inline but instead coming from another variable.
This results in the same error:
fatal: [target]: FAILED! => {"msg": "input is not vault encrypted data"}
This may indicate that the wider problem is that Ansible is for some reason unable to parse encrypted data stored as a variable. Perhaps when the YAML is being parsed it is literally trying to decrypt "{{ my_secret }}"
rather than $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 ...
Which kind of makes sense but I wanted to run that past you guys and ask if there is a way around this or if you recommend a different approach entirely. Thanks.
You'll be better off putting the variables into the encrypted files. Store the encrypted files in MySQL instead of encrypted variables. If you already "have a dynamic inventory set up which pulls hosts and their variables from a MySQL database" there shouldn't be a problem to modify the setup. Pull the encrypted files from the database and store them in host_vars (and/or group_vars, play vars, role vars ...) instead of storing encrypted variables in the inventory (and/or in the code of playbook, role, ...). This way, in the code, you don't care whether a variable is encrypted or not.
For example
shell> tree host_vars/
├── test_01
│ └── final_var.yml
├── test_02
│ └── final_var.yml
└── test_03
└── final_var.yml
shell> cat host_vars/test_01/final_var.yml
final_var: final_var for test_01
shell> cat host_vars/test_02/final_var.yml
final_var: final_var for test_02
shell> cat host_vars/test_03/final_var.yml
final_var: final_var for test_03
Encrypt the files. For example
shell> ansible-vault encrypt host_vars/test_01/final_var.yml
Encryption successful
shell> cat host_vars/test_01/final_var.yml
Then the playbook below
- hosts: test_01,test_02,test_03
- debug:
msg: "{{ inventory_hostname }}: {{ final_var }}"
gives (abridged)
"msg": "test_02: final_var for test_02"
"msg": "test_01: final_var for test_01"
"msg": "test_03: final_var for test_03"