I´m facing the Problem that I can´t pull some Docker images and docker login
also works just sometimes.
This occurs only under Windows 10 Pro. I also tested it under Linux and it worked with default configuration.
I´ve already searched for the solution here, but my network connection isn´t the problem, since Linux works on the same network and I also don´t use any Proxy Server which I have to configure.
I´m trying to execute docker pull postgres
. The output is:
Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/postgres/manifests/latest: Get https://auth.docker.io/token?account=unkownuser&scope=repository%3Alibrary%2Fpostgres%3Apull&service=registry.docker.io: unexpected EOF
Other images fail also with the same error and sometimes even the docker login fails with the unexpected EOF
Everything worked fine since the last update. I´ve already downgraded my version, but it didn´t help. I also tried to switch from windows to linux containers, no effect.
Does anybody else have this problem or did I do something wrong?
Do you use a FritzBox? If yes try the following it helped me: