My configured email report is named "Raw player games" with crontab */20 * * * * (At every 20th minute I will expect a report in my email box). Look in the screenshot raw player games.
Another crontab is configured in main superset config -
'email_reports.schedule_hourly': {
'task': 'email_reports.schedule_hourly',
'schedule': crontab(minute=1, hour='*'), # At minute 1, every hour
I receive emails, but only one per hour. I don't see any errors in logs, all jobs in celery flower are in success state.
Why? Why superset send me reports only once in a hour? How to reconfigure superset to correctly handle my crontabs, what I missed?
Note that your beat schedule is configured to run hourly. So on every minute one of each hour, beat is going to enqueue a new job that will verify if it's time to send a new report. It will not matter to have a thinner resolution configured on superset itself.
Yet by default email reports functionality has an hourly resolution:
This default can be changed by configuring: