If and how is it possible to deduce the signature type from any callable in C++17? Snippet:
template <typename T>
struct MyFunction;
template <typename R, typename... Args>
struct MyFunction<R(Args...)>
template <typename Callable>
auto deduceSignature(Callable&& c)
// using Signature = ???;
// return MyFunction<Signature>{ ???};}
I would like to use use class template argument deduction in the return
In client code I want to write this then:
std::int8_t freeFunction(std::int8_t x)
return x;
auto c1 = deduceSignature(&freeFunction);
auto c2 = deduceSignature([](std::int8_t x){
return x;
can be constructed from any callable, and can deduce the signature (since c++17). We can use this to make a type trait that extracts the signature.
#include <functional>
template <typename T>
struct get_signature;
template <typename R, typename... Args>
struct get_signature<std::function<R(Args...)>> {
using type = R(Args...);
template <typename Callable>
auto deduceSignature(Callable&& c)
using Signature = typename get_signature<decltype(std::function{c})>::type;
int main() {
deduceSignature([](int a){return 5;});