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Lapack, DGEEV does not give me the right eigenvalues

When trying to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix with the DGEEV function, I noticed that they were non conjugate and thus wrong.

I tried testing with the simple (0 1; -1 0) matrix (which has eigenvalues i and -i), but it doesn't give me the right solution.

Can someone point me to the error in my code?

program myProgram
    real(kind=dp), dimension(2) :: ew_real, ew_imag, ev
    real(kind=dp), dimension(4*5,4*5) :: work 
    integer info
    real(kind=dp), DIMENSION(2, 2) :: array
    array = reshape((/ 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0/), shape(array))      

    call DGEEV('N','V',2,array,2,ew_real,ew_imag,ev,2,ev,2,work,size(work,1),info)
end program

Output of my program: (0.00000,0.00000) and (0.00000,-0.40824)


  • Mistakes

    1. The ev array is only of dimension(2) whereas it should be of dimension(2,2).
    2. work should be a one-dimensional array of length 4n=4*2.

    Note that the first one actually corrupts your memory and thus, you get the wrong eigenvalues.


    Moreover, you should be using the lapack95 module which gives generic interfaces that are easier to call.

    The following example shows both calls

    program main
      use iso_fortran_env, only: dp => real64
      use lapack95
      integer                       :: info
      real(kind=dp), dimension(2)   :: ew_real, ew_imag
      real(kind=dp), dimension(4*2) :: work
      real(kind=dp), dimension(2,2) :: array, ev_left, ev_right
      array = reshape([0, -1, 1, 0], shape(array))
      ! lapack
      call dgeev('N','V',2,array,2,ew_real,ew_imag,ev_left,2,ev_right,2,work,size(work),info)
      print *, 'eval1', cmplx(ew_real(1), y=ew_imag(1))
      print *, 'eval2', cmplx(ew_real(2), y=ew_imag(2))
      ! lapack95 call
      call geev(array, ew_real, ew_imag, vr=ev_right)
      print *, 'eval1', cmplx(ew_real(1), y=ew_imag(1))
      print *, 'eval2', cmplx(ew_real(2), y=ew_imag(2))
    end program

    The output is

    $ ./main
     eval1               (0.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)
     eval2              (0.0000000000000000,-1.0000000000000000)
     eval1               (0.0000000000000000,1.0000000000000000)
     eval2              (0.0000000000000000,-1.0000000000000000)