I have scripted a code that gives the absolute value of any number here is the code:
def absolute(num):
numb = str(num)
numb = int(numb)
return numb
When used it gives an output of the same integer:
>>> absolute(-12)
When I did the function step by step I found out that there is the problem in int function where the string "12" gets converted into -12
I know other methods of making this but if you can explain why this happens and that would be better as I can understand what happens.
Here you don't assign .replace
return value back to the variable:
def absolute(num):
numb = str(num)
numb = numb.replace("-","")
numb = int(numb)
return numb
In short:
def absolute(num):
return int(str(num).replace('-',''))
And one bizarre thing, don't you know about abs()