In the following scenario, I'm looking at the following workflow:
, calls a number of smaller functions.Without attempt to cache objects the situation may be summarised as follow:
painful_function <- function(n = 100) {
matrix(1:n * n, nrow = n)
running_function <-
function(stat_to_do = c("min", "max", "mean", "sum"),
painful_size = 1e4) {
stat_to_do <- match.arg(stat_to_do)
M_pain <- painful_function(n = painful_size), list(M_pain))
# Object M_pain is created inside running_function
running_function(stat_to_do = "min", painful_size = 100)
# I would like to re-use the M_pain object from the previous function
running_function(stat_to_do = "max", painful_size = 100)
# Re-using M_pain again...
running_function(stat_to_do = "mean", painful_size = 100)
# And again ...
running_function(stat_to_do = "sum", painful_size = 100)
The idea is not to call the painful_function
more than once as the object it generates is identical in each of the scenarios. Therunning_function
should be evaluated with the provided arguments.
I was thinking of making use of mustashe
running_function_mstash <-
function(stat_to_do = c("min", "max", "mean", "sum"),
painful_size = 1e4) {
stat_to_do <- match.arg(stat_to_do)
stash(var = "M_pain",
code = {
painful_function(n = painful_size)
depends_on = "painful_size"), list(M_pain))
This returns the following error:
running_function_mstash(stat_to_do = "min", painful_size = 1e6)
Error in make_hash(depends_on, .TargetEnv) : Some dependencies are missing from the environment.
I'm interested in learning the following:
will only execute painful_function
if one of the arguments passed down changes, if not the resulting object is stored from a filepainful_function
if the file doesn't exist. This lame approach and has obvious drawbacks. I would like to find a robust solution that covers similar, workable scenario.It may be that the object is not getting detected. According to the example in ?stash
, we need to use <<-
running_function_mstash <-
function(stat_to_do = c("min", "max", "mean", "sum"),
painful_size = 1e4) {
stat_to_do <- match.arg(stat_to_do)
painful_size <<- painful_size
stash(var = "M_pain",
code = {
painful_function(n = painful_size)
depends_on = "painful_size"), list(M_pain))
running_function_mstash(stat_to_do = "min", painful_size = 1e6)
#Stashing object.
#[1] 1e+06