I am writing logs in gcp logs using below command:
gcloud logging write my-test-log '{ "ServiceName": "$Service1", "SubsystemName": "$subsystem1") --payload-type=json
it is giving below error:
(gcloud.logging.write) unrecognized arguments.
Please suggest
You are receiving that error because you have some syntax errors.
As LundinCast said, the correct command should be:
gcloud logging write my-test-log '{ "ServiceName": "$Service1", "SubsystemName": "$subsystem1"}' --payload-type=json
You only will receive the following output:
Created log entry.
Please check the following documentation for further information: gcloud logging write
And you could verify if it works listing your project's logs:
gcloud logging logs list
gcloud logging read my-test-log
insertId: 1abcd235657fghi
ServiceName: $Service1
SubsystemName: $subsystem1
logName: projects/<<PROJECT-ID>>/logs/my-test-log
receiveTimestamp: '2020-11-26T21:10:25.757859880Z'
project_id: <<PROJECT-ID>>
type: global
timestamp: '2020-11-26T21:10:25.757859880Z'
I found the problem in my original answer.
To get the value of a variable in a json format it is necessary to add "'"
so the command should be something like:
gcloud logging write --payload-type=json my-test-log '{ "message": "'"$variable"'" , "weather": "partly cloudy"}'
Where the content of $variable is my-variable-content
insertId: 1y7abcdefghijk
message: my-variable-content
weather: partly cloudy
logName: projects/<<PROJECT-ID>>/logs/my-test-log
receiveTimestamp: '2020-12-04T14:03:45.850928566Z'
project_id: <<PROJECT-ID>>
type: global
timestamp: '2020-12-04T14:03:45.850928566Z'