I am using TDD to implement APIs for an authentication system in Laravel. This system uses the one-time-password (OTP) method for authentication. In the first step, an OTP token is issued for the user and stored in the session
. In the second step, the server receives a request containing an OTP token from the user and checks if the received OTP token is identical to the one stored in the session
I have written a test for a scenario where the user sends an invalid OTP token to the server, but I don't have access to the server session
in the test, so I cannot compare the invalid token against the session value.
Is there a better way than using sessions to implement this? Is there a solution to access the server session
in the test?
Thank you all.
Add a column to the users table for OTP
Step 1:
Step 2:
Pros: Simple to setup
Cons: Additional database queries and need to remember to delete it even if after issuing OTP to user request from user is never made
Step 1:
Cache::put("otp-{$user->id}", OTP, now()->addMinutes(5));
Step 2:
Server receives request from user with
Check against the value in cache
Pros: Simple to setup and OTP can be destroyed automatically
Cons: Cache management becomes vital area of application