I actually use clearcase file browser to see version tree for a specific file. I can select the version for a baseline and do diff with predecessor.
But I want to do that with bcompare in commandline.
I have myFile.c and the baseline Version_XX_YY_ZZ, how can I do to compare with the previous version with bcompare ?
I found a solution by doing this :
cleartool lsvtree "$FILE" | grep "$BASELINE" > ~/tmp.txt
# tmp.txt must contain only 1 line
# get file name for $BASELINE
BaseFile=$(cat ~/tmp.txt | cut -d' ' -f1)
# get predecessor file short name
PredFile=$(cleartool descr -pred -short "$BaseFile" | cut -d$'\n' -f1)
# Start compare
bcompare "$FILE"@@"$PredFile" "$BaseFile"