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How to fix: initialization from incompatible pointer type

When I compile and run the program, it says: In function 'addToTheEnd': [Warning] initialization from incompatible pointer type //and it points to this line -> knot_t *current = start;

How to fix it? I'm new to C, so I don't understand what should be changed. I tried to understand it but I couldn't. My goal is to get some output out of this program when I run it, but nothing displays.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct knot {
    int number;
    struct knot *next;
} knot_t;

int addToTheEnd(knot_t **start, int value) {
    knot_t *new_ = (knot_t *)malloc(sizeof(knot_t));
    if (new_ == NULL) {
        return 1;
    new_ -> number = value;
    new_ -> next = NULL;
    if (start == NULL) {
        *start = new_;
    } else {
        knot_t *current = start;
        while (current -> next != NULL) {
            current = current -> next;
        current -> next = new_;
    return 0;

void printList(knot_t *start) {
    knot_t *current = start;
    while (current != NULL) {
        printf("%d ", current->number);
        current = current -> next;

void clearList(knot_t *start) {
    knot_t *current = start;
    while (current != NULL) {
        knot_t* trenutni = current;
        current = current -> next;

int main() {
    knot_t *start = NULL;
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if(addToTheEnd(&start, i)) {
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


  • The function has the parameter start of the type knot_t **.

    int addToTheEnd(knot_t **start, int value) {

    While the local variable current has the type knot_t *.

    knot_t *current = start;

    So as there is no implicit conversion from the type knot_t ** to the type knot_t * the compiler issues an error.

    It seems you mean

    knot_t *current = *start;

    Also the condition of the if statement

     if (start == NULL) {
            *start = new_;

    must be

     if (*start == NULL) {
            *start = new_;

    Also it would be more logical consistent when the function in the case of success would return 1 instead of 0.

    The function can be defined the following way

    int addToTheEnd( knot_t **start, int value ) 
        knot_t *new_knot = malloc( sizeof( knot_t ) );
        int success = new_knot != NULL;
        if ( success )
            new_knot -> number = value;
            new_knot -> next = NULL;
            while ( *start != NULL ) start = &( *start )->next;
            *start = new_knot;
        return success;

    And as the function printList does not change pointed nodes it should be declared at least like

    void printList( const knot_t *start) {
        const knot_t *current = start;
        while (current != NULL) {
            printf("%d ", current->number);
            current = current -> next;