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How to prevent "‘amplify-authenticator’ is not a known element" error in unit tests when using Amplify UI Components

I am using the Amplify UI Components for Angular V 10. When unit-testing my application, I receive the following error:

ERROR: ‘amplify-authenticator’ is not a known element

In order to prevent this error, I'm importing the AmplifyUIAngularModule in the testing configuration of the component:

import { AmplifyUIAngularModule } from '@aws-amplify/ui-angular';

beforeEach(async () => {
    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      imports: [

This resolves the first error, but triggers another one:

Error: Amplify has not been configured correctly.
The configuration object is missing required auth properties.
Did you run amplify push after adding auth via amplify add auth?
See for more information

So obviously it’s telling me that the AmplifyUIAngularModule can’t be initialized without a config. I tried to add it, although it feels wrong, as the component should not connect in a unit test, but be mocked:

    Auth: {

This indeed resolves the error, but when karma/jasmine tries to connect to headless chrome for testing, there is a timeout. I suspect the amplify stuff is trying to connect indeed, which can’t be the way to go in a unit test.

There are various threads on SO about how to mock a AWS/Amplify call, but I can't find anything about how to prevent the missing amplify-authenticator dependency.


  • Like Mike S. correctly pointed out, mocking the whole component works just fine:

      selector: 'amplify-authenticator',
      template: '',
    class AmplifyAuthenticatorMock {}
    beforeEach(async () => {
        await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
          declarations: [