I am creating an R package which depends on the following package akima
, which is published on CRAN:
When I try to upload my R package to CRAN, there is a NOTE:
Package has a FOSS license but eventually depends on the following
package which restricts use:
I'm stumped how to fix this, or what this NOTE actually means.
Given this is a license with akima (which is on CRAN), is there something I could do to resolve this NOTE? My own package currently depends on GPL-3 as a license, which I believe is fine: https://cran.r-project.org/web/licenses/
Any help is appreciate here.
You are overlooking the fact that akima
, while on CRAN for mostly historical reasonas as it goes back to CRAN releases as early as 1998 (!!) is not actually free software -- see its license.
So the NOTE you got is on point: while your package may be free software, by depending on akima
you are creating a conflicted bundle. So "don't do it" if you can.
And you can: the interp package was written for this purpose and says in its DESCRIPTION:
It is intended to provide FOSS replacement functions for the ACM licensed akima::interp and tripack::tri.mesh functions.
There is more detail at the package. Hopefully is offers what you need.