Search code examples

How to type custom widget for Algolia React instant search?

I'm trying to correctly type my connected list of Hits from algolia instant search.

My custom Hits component:

type Props = { hits: User[]; onSelectUser: (user: User) => void };

const SearchResults: React.FC<Props> = ({ hits, onSelectUser }) => {
  return User) => (
    <UserCard user={hit} onSelectUser={onSelectUser} />

export default connectHits<Props>(SearchResults);

When I try to use the component:

<Hits hitComponent={() => (<SearchResults onSelectUser={setSelectedUser} />)}/>

I get a TS error that onSelectUser does not exist on that component... When I ignore this TS error I see that the props are available within in the SearchResults component.

How should I type my component correctly to ensure that the typings are still working correctly?


  • You can extend the HitsProvided interface exposed by react-instantsearch-core.

    import { HitsProvided } from "react-instantsearch-core";
    // ...
    type Props = HitsProvided<UserRecord> & {
      onSelectUser: (user: User) => void;
    const SearchResults: React.FC<Props> = ({ hits, onSelectUser }) => {
      return User) => (
        <UserCard user={hit} onSelectUser={onSelectUser} />
    export default connectHits<Props, UserRecord>(SearchResults);

    UserRecord would describe the shape of your record (not the shape of the hit returned by the API, only the attributes).