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Working with List<T> with builder pattern - c#

Apologies for the title as I could not quite word my issue, so here we go.

I have a DiscountBuilder class that has two methods WithBuyOneGetOneFree and WithDiscount. They both take a List<ShoppingItem> and work well in isolation like this:

var items = BasketStore.ShoppingItems;

var updatedItems = new DiscountBuilder()
var updatedItems2 = new DiscountBuilder()
    .WithDiscount(75, items)

But when I attempt to chain the both methods to apply WithBuyOneGetOneFree and WithDiscount I only get the list of shopping items returned with WithBuyOneGetOneFree which is completely logical and understandable:

var updatedItems3 = new DiscountBuilder()
    .WithDiscount(75, items)

What is the best way/design to achieve this so all three examples above all work in complete harmony, so I have the option to use the methods individual like now, and chain the methods together to get both discounts?

Here is the rest of the code.


#region Private Fields
private List<ShoppingItem> internalShoppingItems;

#region Public Methods
public List<ShoppingItem> Create()
    return internalShoppingItems;

public IDiscountBuilder WithBuyOneGetOneFree(List<ShoppingItem> shoppingItems)
    internalShoppingItems = new List<ShoppingItem>();

    foreach(var item in shoppingItems)
        var updateItem = new ShoppingItem
            Id = item.Id,
            Price = item.Price,
            Name = item.Name,
            Quantity = item.Quantity + 1

    return this;

public IDiscountBuilder WithDiscount(int percentage, List<ShoppingItem> shoppingItems)
    internalShoppingItems = new List<ShoppingItem>();

    foreach (var item in shoppingItems)
        var updateItem = new ShoppingItem
            Id = item.Id,
            Price = GetDiscountedPrice(percentage, item.Price),
            Name = item.Name,
            Quantity = item.Quantity

    return this;


public class ShoppingItem
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public double Price { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int Quantity { get; set; }

BasketStore (just where the original dummy data is coming from):

public static class BasketStore
    #region Properties
    public static List<ShoppingItem> ShoppingItems { get; private set; }

    #region Constructor
    static BasketStore()
        ShoppingItems = new List<ShoppingItem>()
            new ShoppingItem {
                Id = 1,
                Price = 10.0,
                Name = "IWatch",
                Quantity = 1
            new ShoppingItem {
                Id = 5,
                Price = 9.99,
                Name = "Ladies Watch",
                Quantity = 3
            new ShoppingItem {
                Id = 7,
                Price = 1.75,
                Name = "Ladies Replacement Strap",
                Quantity = 1


  • This might be a classic XY problem. The problem is that each fluent action is overriding the internal list, so last applied discount wins and changes the list.

    In terms of best way/design, there are too many possible approaches to this problem.

    Here is one simple example.

    Change the approach of storing the internal list and overriding it.

    public interface IDiscountBuilder {
        IDiscountBuilder WithBuyOneGetOneFree();
        IDiscountBuilder WithDiscount(int percentage);
        List<ShoppingItem> Create(List<ShoppingItem> shoppingItems);

    Instead store the actions to be applied to the items in the list and then create the list based on the provided input.

    For example

    public class DiscountBuilder : IDiscountBuilder {
        #region Private Fields        
        private Action<ShoppingItem> buyOneGetOneFree;
        private Action<ShoppingItem> withDiscount;
        #region Public Methods
        public List<ShoppingItem> Create(List<ShoppingItem> shoppingItems) {
            List<ShoppingItem> result = new List<ShoppingItem>();
            foreach (ShoppingItem item in shoppingItems) {
                //copy item details
                ShoppingItem updateItem = new ShoppingItem() {
                    Id = item.Id,
                    Price = item.Price,
                    Name = item.Name,
                    Quantity = item.Quantity
                //apply actions
            return result;
        public IDiscountBuilder WithBuyOneGetOneFree() {
            buyOneGetOneFree = item => {
                item.Quantity = item.Quantity + 1;
            return this;
        public IDiscountBuilder WithDiscount(int percentage) {
            withDiscount = item => {
                item.Price = GetDiscountedPrice(percentage, item.Price);
            return this;
        private double GetDiscountedPrice(int percentage, double price) {
            return price - (price * (percentage / 100D));

    All 3 examples in the original question can be applied independent of each other

    var items = BasketStore.ShoppingItems;
    var updatedItems = new DiscountBuilder()
    var updatedItems2 = new DiscountBuilder()
    var updatedItems3 = new DiscountBuilder()

    This approach can be expanded even further and multiple ways but that would outside of the scope of the original question.