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Dotenv variables loading but db connection error when variable used

Testing to see if dotenv is working and I have the following:


DB_PORT = 8000;


import dotenv from 'dotenv';


const PORT = process.env.DB_PORT || 8001;
app.listen(PORT, () => {
    console.log(`Server is running on port ${PORT}.`);

If I run this I get the error (although it shows the varible is loading):

Error: listen EACCES: permission denied 8000;

Change the port and the same thing:

Error: listen EACCES: permission denied 3000;

If I comment out DB_PORT in the .evn file it works on 8001. If I leave it commented out and enter the following in the VS Code terminal:

export DB_PORT = 3600;

it runs on 3600.

Why is this happening?


  • It's the semicolon in your .env. You don't terminate lines in a .env file with a semicolon, just a standard line break.