I'm creating a widget for Awesome based on playerctl. When i test with awesomeclient it works fine.
awesome-client '
local stdout = "Playing;Eurythmics;Miracle of Love;file:///home/mgaber/Workbench/awesome/stags1.7/testing/173308_26.png"
local words = {}
for w in stdout:gmatch("([^;]*)") do
table.insert(words, w)
mpdstatus = words[1]
current_song = words[2]
artist = words[3]
song_art = words[4]
a,b,c = 1, 2, 3
local song_art = string.sub( song_art,8, -1)
local awful = require("awful");
local gears = require("gears")
local naughty= require("naughty");
local bubble =function(cr, w, h)
return gears.shape.infobubble(cr, w, h, 20, 10, w/2 - 30)
margin = 15,
position = "top_left",
width = 640,
height = 160,
title = mpdstatus,
text=current_song .. " By " .. artist .. a .. c,
image = song_art});
However when i put the code in rc.lua the icon doesn't appear, I tested and my code works as supposed to and the image file is passed to naughty.notification..
local function show_MPD_status()
spawn.easy_async(GET_MPD_CMD, function(stdout, _, _, _)
-- notification = naughty.notification {
naughty.notification {
margin = 10,
timeout = 5,
hover_timeout = 0.5,
width = auto,
height = auto,
title = mpdstatus,
text = current_song .. " by " .. artist,
image = artUr
Awesome Version
$ awesome --version
awesome v4.3-895-g538586c17-dirty (Too long)
• Compiled against Lua 5.3.6 (running with Lua 5.3)
• API level: 4
• D-Bus support: yes
• xcb-errors support: yes
• execinfo support: yes
• xcb-randr version: 1.6
• LGI version: 0.9.2
• Transparency enabled: yes
• Custom search paths: no
I get a notification displaying "Status" Song by Artist with no image or icon.
I finally managed to sort this out. The problem was caused by a Widget template that shapes the notification and was misconfigured, removing the template fixed it