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How to print a list of values + max/min

I am looking at this Little man computer problem:

  1. The user will enter first the size of the data, and then the individual numbers.

  2. I have to print (OUT) excatcly what was input, followed by the max and the min of the data values


  • First input: 2 // Number of DATA
  • Second input: 5 // First DATA
  • Third input: 7 // Second DATA
  • Output: 2, 5, 7, 5(min), 7(max)

I have to print everything at the end (when the user finished to enter all the inputs)

My attempt:

        IN         # Acc = number of values to read (N)
        STO M
LOOP    BRZ PRG     
        SUB ONE
        STO N      # N=N-1
        IN         # values                                                      
ST      STO PRG    # Store it in the program starting at PRG 
        LDA ST     # Get current store command (ST)
        ADD ONE    # add one to store command to increment memory location
        STO ST     # Update store command (ST)
        LDA N      # Put current value of N in accumulator
        BRZ PRINT
        BRP LOOP    # Continue loop - 12

#My problem is here 
        LDA PRG    

M       DAT 0
N       DAT 0      # Number of values to read
ONE     DAT 1      # Value 1
PRG     DAT 0      # We will store all of the values from this point onward


I tried to get this solved, but as you can see, I only succeeded to print the first value. I also saved my inputs in memory, but how can I loop on the address to get the values for output?


  • The self-modifying code pattern, that you have used to store the input, can also be used to output it. Instead of modifying the dynamic STO PRG instruction, you would have a dynamic LDA PRG instruction.

    Your attempt shows no code for determining the minimum and maximum value. You can either collect this information during the input loop or during the output loop.

    Please take into consideration these additional remarks:

    • initialise the variables (that are not constants) with code, so that if the LMC is reset (without a complete re-assembly), it still works correctly.
    • use more descriptive labels and variable names. ST and PRG are quite obscure names...

    So it could work like below. This code uses the LMC mnemonics as described on Wikipedia. So STA = STO and INP = IN. You can run the program here:

    #input: 5 3 9 6 2 4
               INP # data size
               BRZ halt # nothing to do
    ; initialise (so program still runs correctly when reset)
               STA size
               LDA halt # =zero
               STA max
               LDA big
               STA min
               LDA staArray
               STA store
               LDA ldaArray
               STA load
    ; input loop
               LDA size
               SUB one
    nextInput  STA counter
               INP # get data value
    store      STA array # self-modified
               STA value
               SUB min
               BRP checkmax
               LDA value
               STA min
    checkmax   LDA max
               SUB value
               BRP incInput
               LDA value
               STA max
    incInput   LDA store
               ADD one
               STA store # modify code
               LDA counter
               SUB one
               BRP nextInput
               LDA size
               OUT # output input size
               SUB one
    outputLoop STA counter
    load       LDA array # self-modified
               OUT # output data value
               LDA load
               ADD one
               STA load # modify code
               LDA counter
               SUB one
               BRP outputLoop
               LDA min
               LDA max
    halt       HLT
    # constants
    one        DAT 1
    big        DAT 999
    staArray   STA array
    ldaArray   LDA array
    # variables
    size       DAT
    counter    DAT
    min        DAT
    max        DAT
    value      DAT
    array      DAT
    <script src="[email protected]/lmc.js"></script>


    If there would not be the requirement that the output is only produced after all input has finished, you would not need self-modifying code. See this answer where the output is generated while the input is processed.