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Cocos2d-x tilmap black screen

I am a beginner with cocos2d-x and try to use it with Tiled to create maps. I created a TileMap, and here is my code, in LevelOne::init() in level_one.cpp :

if (!CCLayer::init())
    return false;
_tileMap = new CCTMXTiledMap();

return true;

The debugger allows me to see that the variable _tileMap contains well (at least a part) of the information in my levelone.tmx file. But when i run it, got a black screen.

Here is the project on github :

what would I have misunderstood? Thanks.


  • I figure it out: Tiles folder should be on th same disk than .tmx file to have relative path and both should be in Ressource folder.